Some Tying Techniques
Before starting, straw must be soaked for about 20 minutes in warm water. This makes it pliable.Straw suppliers listed at base of page.
How to Tie a Clove HitchThis knot should be used when tying straws together.
Place the thread over the object to be tied.
Pass the working end underneath the object being tied
Take the working end across the thread.
Take the working end under the object you are tying
Take the working end under thread which went above the object which you were tying
Pull the ends tightly to form the knot.
Making a 'Fan'
Take a number of straws
Lay them side by side and place a loose clove hitch around the straws.
Place a heavy weight, such as books, on the end of the straws and pull the clove hitch tightly
When the weights are released they will leave a fan of straw.
This fan was formed by tying the straws in the centre as opposed to near an end.
Making a Star Motif or Hub
This shape is made by laying one straw horizontally and a second straw vertically. Use a clove hitch to tie a piece of cotton to one straw. Take the end, in a circular motion, over one straw, under the next, over the next, under the next etc. Continue until the straws hold firmly in a cross shape
Make a number of these.
In the same under and over manner used previously, two shapes can be joined to look like this.
This can be used as the centre for a star, with long spokes of straw threaded into each end of the star/hub
Joining two of the previous shapes together will form this rosette shape
Simple variations can be made by cutting the straw ends. Here they have been angled
In this shape a small triangle has been removed from each end.
Experiment with different cuts, vary the size or number of straws.
Elaine LindsaySomething Corny, Rowan Cottage, Inveramsay, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, AB51 Tel. 01467 681330
Something Corny supplies straw working materials, books and tools for the craft